Share This Post 🙂 If you’ve spent any time around marketers or learning about Digital Marketing, you’ve probably heard the acronym CPA thrown around. The term CPA is an abbreviation of your “cost per acquisition” and it’s an absolutely critical metric to monitor and...
If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you’re looking for some ways to stand out from the competition and acquire more customers. Because let’s be honest, the competition is fiercer than ever these days, and using outdated marketing strategies, you’ll quickly end...
Share This Post 🙂 For the most part, when browsing through social media or our favorite websites, the advertisements dissipate into a now well-accepted ambiance, only occasionally rising to the level of perception. It’s no surprise when we’re supposedly...
What is a good website bounce rate? The short answer: a good bounce rate is anything less than 58%. Now that you have the answer, you can see that it doesn’t really tell you much. To get the most out of your website, you have to go into the weeds. The bounce rate can...
Picture this: you, wandering the allegorical desert of marketing, see the dark clouds rolling in and spot opportunity. You bring forth a container with a small opening to catch as much water as possible, but only result in filling up a portion of the container…....
When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you could think that once a site is “optimized,” the traffic should immediately follow. However, things aren’t quite so black-and-white. Once SEO techniques are implemented, it might be only a few months to see...