Last Updated on May 7, 2023 by Elevate Digital

Business owners beware! Google has recently announced a new “Badge Of Shame” for websites.

If you haven’t recently checked or been paying attention to your website loading speed, now is the time!

Google are going to be cracking down harder than ever on slow-loading and poorly optimised websites.

This is part of an attempt to make the search engine more heavily focused on the user experience.

In the past few years, Google have severely throttled search rankings on websites that have poor performance.

This can make it extremely difficult to get the visibility you need. 

Not to mention, the scary statistics they released a few years back.

THis will give you an indication of roughly how many visitors will bounce (leave) your website if it takes too long too load

Google Website Bounce Rate Chance Increase From Page Load Speed

But recent announcements suggest that Google are now experimenting with a new feature.

Specifically a “badge of shame” for websites that load slowly in Chrome.

A recent quote from one of the Chrome team reads as follows:

“In the future, Chrome may identify sites that typically load fast or slow for users with clear badging. This may take a number of forms and we plan to experiment with different options, to determine which provides the most value to our users.”

Google Badge Of Shame Example For SLow Loading Website

It’s not yet known when of even if this new badging system will appear in Chrome. But Google announced the plans of testing this new feature at the their Chrome Dev Summit in San Francisco today.

Whilst there’s nothing set in stone just yet, there’s a good chance this may end up going ahead. Especially when considering their stance on user experience.


If you’d like to know how your business website performs along with tailored suggestions on how drive more sales and increase visibility. Be sure to book your Free Digital Review today!

Jane Pak
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