Last Updated on May 7, 2023 by Elevate Digital

Marketing on Linkedin can seem like a daunting task, especially for beginners!

But with LinkedIn quickly becoming the new platform of choice for business owners and brands, there’s never been a better time to learn.

Not only is it a brilliant place to open up partnership opportunities and build long-lasting relationships. But it can also help you find new clients and and give your business incredible exposure.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, LinkedIn is growing exponentially year-on-year. It also has the ability to reach more people than any other platform out there at the moment (without spending money on ads)

In this video I’ll be explaining how you can get started Marketing on LinkedIn, even as a beginner.

I’ll also be exploring some of the key differences between LinkedIn and other social media platform.

Hopefully that overview has given you a better understanding of how you can begin Marketing on LinkedIn. But also, how you can use the platform to completely transform your business and brand!

I’d love to know what your experience is with LinkedIn so far!

Are there any particular areas of LinkedIn you’re currently struggling with that you’d like me to explore further?

Let me know in the comments.

*UPDATE 01/11/19 – We recently published an article that dives into some of the mind-blowing LinkedIn statistics and explores the question “Will LinkedIn work for me?” Check it out here!*

*UPDATE 06/11/19 – Linkedin have re-launched the feature that allows you to invite connection to like your company page, allowing you to further expand your reach, check out our quick video which shows you how

Tom Peyton
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