Is LinkedIn Really Worth Your Time?

You’ve probably heard all the rage about LinkedIn over the past year or 2, but the question you may be asking yourself…

Is LinkedIn worth it?

Well, let’s take a look…

So, What’s All The Fuss About?

You may well remember LinkedIn as being  That “Online CV Platform” you might have signed up to years ago then never used again.

It just so happens, the platform has come a long way since then…

In fact, here’s some eye-watering stats to prove it:

There are 9 billion content impressions in the LinkedIn feed every week.

But only 3 million users share content week 

*To save you the math, that’s approximately a potential of 3,000 eyeballs on your content each week! (And without even running paid ads!!)

To top it all off, LinkedIn now has over 500 million members and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Chart Showing Number Of LInked Members Increasing From 2009 To 2016

It doesn’t matter if you’re in B2B or B2C, the fact is more and more industries, creators, and even micro-niches are signing up each day.

So if you’re wondering whether your customers or target audience will be on there…

Well, if they’re not already, there’s an extremely good chance they will be soon!

The question is…

Would you rather be early to the party or end up fighting for scraps when it’s too late?

LinkedIn Isn’t Just A Social Network

Another important thing to factor in here is the context of the platform.

LinkedIn is a platform primarily designed for networking and building business relationships.

Whereas with Facebook, Instagram or other social media channels you’re ultimately competing for attention on platforms that are designed primarily for people to engage with friends and family.

As a result of this combined with the HUGE organic reach potential, LinkedIn can generate substantially more leads organically when compared to other platforms as seen in the study below:

Conversion Rate Per Social Platform Graph Showing LinkedIn In The Lead

So, Ready To Get Started On LinkedIn?

Don’t worry, we wouldn’t just leave you in the lurch like that…

If you’re not already active on LinkedIn, we’ve put together a quick video walk-through to help you get up to scratch…

Oh, and when you’re done, let’s connect!

So…back to the question, is LinkedIn worth it? 

Well, I’ll let you be the judge of that…

But, is it worth at least having a presence on?

I’ll let Martin Freeman take this one…

Tom Peyton
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